Ahren Graham

I believe we are all children of God, and I am grateful for the body which enables me to experience life.  The body is a gift that we are to take care of, nurture, cultivate and grow. I care deeply about health: both outward and internal.

Our bodies are an interconnected and complicated group of systems that are designed to build and repair themselves.  The body cannot do this alone, however we as the stewards must help it along.  Our bodies are our greatest assets, and like any valued asset (cars, homes, relationship…) we must do the work to upkeep and preserve them.  Anything left unattended will eventually succumb to weathering, deterioration, and collapse.  I want to help you maintain your body and to prevent you from pain, restrictions, and tension, so that it can heal itself effectively.  I trust that there is a time and place for medication and surgeries, but I believe that this should be a final resort.  We can greatly impact and even alter our bodies to perform more efficiently, and this starts with awareness and action.  Small changes, as small as the way we are breathing, drastically improves our health.

“When we feel good, we are our best selves.”

My education and training

  • I have the Myopractic certification from The Institute of Natural Therapeutics in Mesa Arizona.  This school continues the original teachings from its founder Dr. William J. Huls (1896-1976).  Dr. Huls was a licensed Osteopath who then created Myopractics.  To learn more about Dr. Huls please check out “Dr. Huls God’s Mechanic,  https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Huls-Mechanic-Manipulative-Practice/dp/1495479064.  The Institute of Natural Therapeutics taught anatomy, feeling and understanding the body, manipulations, nutritional healing, body chemistry, diet & nutrition, and herbology.
  • I have a Certified Fitness Training certification from the International Sports Science Association.  Here I learned anatomy & physiology, biomechanics & kinesiology, nutrition, health and fitness development, and first aid.  I continue to be committed to overall health and lifestyle change so that I can serve others to help them feel their best.
  • Then I served as a comptroller for a corporation for 13 years. It was during this time that I was injured on the job that led to various treatments. This healing journey inspired me to begin a path toward the healing arts field which led me to Myopractics Therapy.

How I Work

It is my belief and experience that we do not spend enough time listening and working on our bodies, and so I am driven to do that with you.  When you are on my table my priority is you.  My work starts with listening in understanding your lifestyle and concerns.  I then check your pulse to get a read of what your body is communicating internally.  Pulses tell us more than just heartbeats per minute; they give us internal clues to areas under stress such as organs.  Then I begin to feel for restrictions, places of tension, and areas of temperature change or deviations.  All work will be done externally.  My main concern is to balance the pelvis and then move on.  From that point, I treat the tissue and any other areas that need to be addressed.  The session will be like peeling layers from an onion, each manipulation might expose something new.  I will continue to reevaluate your pulse for any new updates.  The treatment will end when I know your pelvis is balanced and we have created change in your body to ultimately allow it the freedom to do its designed job, which is to build and repair itself.  I am not concerned with making your body look like the perfect anatomical model, but restoring the motion to those areas of the body that needs it. 

How I got here

In my previous profession as a comptroller I operated all day behind a desk.  I was constantly sitting while hunched over to see the screen.  This eventually took a toll on my body.  There was a specific day when my back locked up and I struggled to walk.  I do not remember a particular action that took place to cause the issue, but I remember being under lots of stress and sitting at my desk for hours on end.  More than likely there were several contributing factors that finally erupted into my painful situation.  What I remember most about the moment was having to crawl to my car in pain and panic.  I had ignored the preliminary warning signs and waited for the worst to happen.  I thought I was doing everything right by eating healthy and exercising, but I was not checking in with my body and doing the necessary maintenance.  My first stop was to see my chiropractor, who after looking me over, recommended I speak with a Myopractor.  I had never heard of a Myopractor before, but I trusted my Chiropractic friend and his suggestion.  I quickly learned that everything in the body is connected and leaving physical stress unaddressed in one area will eventually affect another within the body.  In one session my Myopractor was able to help me to stand and walk without pain.  I was so blown away by the experience that I pondered changing careers on the drive home.  That evening my Chiropractor confirmed this hunch when he called and suggested that Myopractics was something he could see me doing.  I knew in that moment my vocational path was going to change.  With joy, I now pursue the practice of helping to free people from pain, stress, and restriction, and to restore the motion of their body so that it may assist itself in the healing process.

Maybe you are like I was, dealing with pain and restrictions from routine day-to-day activities.  As a Myopractor and Certified Personal Trainer, I believe that our bodies are a gift and temple for which we need to care.  This not only includes exercise but diet, breathwork, stress management, mental-emotional-spiritual work, sleep, and recovery.  Everything in our body has movement, from the basic atoms and cells to the tissues, organs, and bony structures.  Do not be like I was and ignore the warning signs that your body is trying to tell you.   

Jacquelin Danielle, RDN, CSCS

I’d like to introduce you to Jacquelin Danielle, RDN, CSCS, best known as, “Daniella”. She is a healer with a joyful outlook on life and living in existence to the fullest. A seasoned expert in the field of health & well-being. Daniella is a registered dietitian-nutritionist, certified strength, and conditioning specialist, certified somatic breathwork practitioner, registered yoga teacher, certified Vedic Thai bodywork, and author of Evolve Healthy-A Mindfulness Guide to Food and Body Liberation. 

She is a great compliment to me and my healing modalities, and I’d highly recommend you try her services in conjunction with my Myopractic services. To learn more and schedule with Daniella, (Jacquelin Danielle) please visit: https://linktr.ee/jacquelindanielle

Dear Friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you!”